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SEND & AP attainment measures at end of key stage 4 – How and What?

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School-level statistics are published for special schools but using the same metrics as those for mainstream schools. Since 2014, many qualifications used by special, and AP are no longer counted. This webinar offers an opportunity to discuss alternative ideas to celebrate the achievements of these learners.
This webinar was led by Dave Thomson, Chief Statistician at FFT Education, who has worked with schools, policymakers and academics for over 20 years. He specialises in the analysis of administrative data, particularly the National Pupil Database.
Alternative Provision (AP) schools and special schools are poorly served by the current published measures of pupil attainment at the end of Key Stage 4. In this session, Dave will outline some of his recent work to calculate more appropriate measures for AP schools and special schools.
This webinar is suitable for:
- Special school leaders & data leads
- AP (alternative provision) leaders & data leads
- Mainstream secondary leaders, SENCO’s, data leads with additionally resourced provision.
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