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SSAT Journal 13 – Winter 2018
The Winter 2018 edition of the SSAT Journal, presents a diverse collection of articles centred around education and school improvement. Led by Sue Williamson, the Chief Executive of SSAT, the publication kicks off with a welcome, reflecting on the challenges faced by schools, including the issue of school funding and the vital role of professional development.
Dylan Wiliam, an eminent professor from University College London, presents evidence for the cost-effectiveness of formative assessment in the classroom, emphasising its positive impact on student learning. Martina Veale from ASDAN discusses the significance of focusing on personal effectiveness to boost student engagement and motivation.
The publication explores practical strategies for improving education, such as enhancing career guidance for students and implementing early intervention for children with additional needs and disabilities. It also delves into the importance of fostering a sense of community within schools, exemplified by stories from Blackburn Central High School and Cambourne Village College.
“University Challenge – in a primary school” by Julia Moxon, Robin Hood Primary Academy showcases an inspiring initiative where primary school students participated in their version of ‘University Challenge,’ displaying the power of imagination and creativity in learning. Hayley Symington-Briggs, sheds light on “The impact of technology on underachieving high-ability male learners” at Thomas Eastley Community College.
Throughout the publication, there is a strong emphasis on a collaborative professional learning culture. Abi King from City of London Academy Islington shares the value of peer visits to promote collaboration among teachers, where they learn from and support each other’s practices. This culture of sharing expertise, reflecting on best practices, and engaging in targeted professional development further contributes to excellence in teaching and learning.
The SSAT Journal is a benefit available to all staff members located in SSAT member schools.
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