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SSAT Journal 12 – Summer 2018
The Summer 2018 edition of the SSAT Journal, begins with a welcome from Sue Williamson, the Chief Executive of SSAT, summarising the success of member schools and celebrating the achievements of headteachers and senior leaders in primary and secondary schools.
A large focus of the journal is on a growth mindset and its impact on teaching and learning. Several articles explore how to develop a growth mindset culture in schools, with a focus on students’ motivation and self-regulation. Chris Hildrew, the headteacher of Churchill Academy & Sixth Form, discusses the importance of developing a growth mindset in students and how it can be achieved through appropriate strategies and a supportive learning environment.
Claire Bishop, Assistant Principal at Sir Christopher Hatton Academy, shares her experience of restructuring lessons for rapid pace and metacognitive practice. By focusing on challenging and engaging activities, she observed improved student motivation and a deeper understanding of topics.
Laura Clash at Cambourne Village College discusses “Why is visible leadership so important in schools?” and Russell Coombes, Haydon School reflects on how best to integrate non-specialists into a department.
Other articles in the journal cover topics such as formative assessment, engaging teacher stakeholders in professional learning, addressing teacher recruitment at the academy level, LGBT inclusivity in schools, and preparing young people especially those with special needs for life after school.
The SSAT Journal is a benefit available to all staff members located in SSAT member schools.
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