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SSAT Journal 06 – Summer 2016
The Summer 2016 edition of the SSAT Journal celebrates innovative practice, practitioners’ research, and student
outcomes across the network.
Teacher-led research is at the heart of SSAT’s programmes. Kingsford Community School discuss how they use coaching to embed formative assessment using the SSAT TEEP methodology. St Augustine Academy describe how they have developed a new coaching programme focused on the use of video technology and observation. Jo Corrigan reports on the exciting new Visible Classrooms project, being led by Professor John Hattie.
All of this work underpins ever-improving student outcomes. Brookfields School explain how they ensure all of their students are supported on their pathway to future employment. Tom Middlehurst offers five top tips for ensuring that you get the most out of your student leaders this coming year.
The Perseid Special School reminds us that for schools to be truly exceptional, we need exceptional leaders, and need to strive to keep leadership fit for purpose.
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