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SSAT – A celebration of 30 years 1987 – 2017
Welcome to this 30th-anniversary celebration of the specialist schools and academies movement.
In the forward written by Sir Cyril Taylor he writes ‘We have come a long way since 1986 when Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher asked me to organise a conference for the Centre for Policy Studies on how to tackle the problem of youth unemployment. As a result of that conference, attended by Mrs Thatcher, Kenneth Baker and 20 leading industrialists, it was agreed that a new type of school should be founded to focus on teaching technical skills so that young people would be prepared for the job market when they left school. Kenneth Baker, then the education secretary, invited me to become a special adviser on the initiative, a role I held serving 10 successive education secretaries until 2007.
Over the years 600 sponsors have contributed over £300 million pounds to the initiative, founded as a charity in 1987. It has developed from the initial 15 city technology colleges to specialist schools and academies with a wide range of specialisms, raising educational standards and developing expertise in teaching methods and practice.
Remarkably, it transcended party politics over that time, with both major parties recognising the extraordinary role that these schools have played in improving the standards of our children. I pay tribute to those sponsors who have given so generously of their time and money, many serving as governors and engaging with their schools.
Despite funding for SSAT being withdrawn in 2010, Sue Williamson and her team have now transformed it into a country-wide schools’ association promoting best practice and improving school standards in this country. Today we celebrate the 30th anniversary of this powerful example of what can be achieved in improving the life chances of our young people. Above all, this is a celebration of all the teachers who have taught and nurtured our students over the years and believed in our vision.’
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