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Courageous leadership for professional accountability: Distributive leadership of teaching and learning
This case study from Canons High School showcases their journey towards a staff-driven approach in pedagogical development, that emphasises professional learning and accountability. The school’s innovative strategies include the Outstanding Pedagogy Project, a self-nominated group of teachers whose aim is to identify an area of pedagogic focus to explore in order to pave the way for an eventual whole-school approach. These pedagogy leaders deliver inset days which has led to enhanced teaching quality and improved student outcomes. It has fostered a collaborative environment that values continuous professional growth. Ofsted noted ‘teaching is consistently good, and often outstanding.’ This was not the case in the previous inspection.
Recommended reading
Redesigning Schooling – 7: Professional accountability
Dr. Peter Matthews argues that accountability is principally an intrinsic part of professionalism in a self-improving school system, although proportionate external accountability measures are unavoidable in highly autonomous, publicly funded schools.
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