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5. The Ascent multi-academy trust: Special schools combine to offer an ambitious range of services
The Ascent Multi-Academy Trust is a case study that demonstrates the power of collaboration in the education sector. Formed by four secondary special schools in Sunderland, the trust’s vision is to secure meaningful partnerships and take the lead in shaping the future of special education. Unlike a traditional hierarchical structure, the trust adopts a collegial approach where no school takes precedence over others.
The driving force behind the formation of the trust was the need to move away from geographical clusters imposed by the local authority. Instead, the schools sought to create a partnership that allowed for equal representation and decision-making. The trust’s leadership team comprises the heads of the four schools, representatives from governing bodies, special education experts, and employers, ensuring a comprehensive and diverse perspective.
Despite each school having unique intakes and challenges, the Ascent MAT emphasises shared leadership and accountability. There is a deep commitment to support and challenge one another through regular meetings and peer inspections. This trust-based approach creates an environment where staff feel empowered to collaborate and share resources freely.
Ascent’s broad range of services and resources is a result of pooling together their expertise and economies of scale. The trust employs occupational therapists, educational psychologists, speech therapists, and other specialists, making it possible to offer a wider curriculum for students with special needs. Furthermore, Ascent extends its support beyond the MAT and collaborates with mainstream schools to provide special education resources.
The success of Ascent Multi-Academy Trust lies in its emphasis on continuous professional development and staff motivation. Staff members are encouraged to view each other as potential resources, fostering a culture of knowledge-sharing and growth.
Looking to the future, Ascent aspires to expand its reach both locally and internationally. It plans to create new ventures to address the need for high-quality post-19 special education provision and explore partnerships with universities abroad.
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