
6. The Academy of Central Bedfordshire: Free-school partnership sets out to improve the outcomes for vulnerable students

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6. The Academy of Central Bedfordshire: Free-school partnership sets out to improve the outcomes for vulnerable students

By Peter Chambers
Publication Date: 2014

In this case study, we explore the success of the Academy of Central Bedfordshire (ACB), a free-school partnership, in improving outcomes for vulnerable students in Central Bedfordshire, UK. The existing provision was not fully meeting the needs of these students, leading to rotation between schools without considering curriculum appropriateness. ACB aimed to change this by providing a visionary approach to supporting students who would have attended the local authority’s pupil referral unit (PRU) provision.

Through a strong spirit of partnership, the local authority supported the bid to open ACB, which catered for up to 140 pupils across two sites. The academy offered a personalised curriculum, designed to engage students and cater to their varied needs. The facilities were enhanced, featuring vocational resources like MOT-compliant garages, hair and beauty salons, and commercial catering kitchens.

ACB’s innovative approach and focus on academic achievement and behaviour management earned it praise from various authorities, including Charlie Taylor, the government’s expert adviser on behaviour. The academy established three-wave procedures for behaviour management, enabling staff to support students in managing their own behaviour effectively.

Early reactions to ACB have been overwhelmingly positive, with Ofsted and DfE reports lauding its development. The school leaders aim to identify students earlier in their education who will benefit from the academy’s resources and expand the age range they can cater to. They also plan to maintain students beyond age 16 and provide KS5 provision, ensuring that students continue to receive the necessary support and education for successful pathways in employment, education, or training. However, financial concerns remain, given the continuously changing national financial context. ACB is determined to secure its position and maintain its impact on vulnerable students in the region.

6. The Academy of Central Bedfordshire: Free-school partnership sets out to improve the outcomes for vulnerable students

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