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The Deeps in Action
“The Deeps in Action” is a publication that provides educational practitioners at all levels with practical examples of how school leaders have successfully applied the concept of the four “deeps” in their schools, leading to major restructuring and a more thorough understanding and application of the moral purpose of schooling. The four “deeps” were introduced to school leaders in January 2006 as a way of simplifying and coordinating the nine gateways into a helpful conceptual device. However, some headteachers took this concept a step further and used it as an organisational tool or planning device in their schools. This pamphlet is a report on the experiences of those headteachers who used the “deeps” as an organisational device or planning tool. The report is co-constructed by all the participants, and each school has its distinctive version of the “deeps”. The publication aims to encourage and enlighten other school leaders who are thinking of doing the same.
The publication, authored by Professor David Hargreaves, offers a valuable resource for educational practitioners who seek practical examples of how to apply complex concepts in a simple and effective way. The publication demonstrates the importance of coordinating the interplay between different educational gateways to achieve a more thorough understanding and application of the moral purpose of schooling. The report is an excellent example of how schools can learn from each other and share their experiences to improve the quality of education for all students. We hope these extracts from the presentations and conversations, and the questions they provoked, will be of value to discussions of senior leadership teams, middle managers and whole school staff on a professional training day or any occasion for reflection.
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