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Learning with students
“Learning with Students” is a compilation of innovative student voice practices in schools across England. This publication aims to explore the importance of student voice and the impact it can have in transforming secondary education. The authors, students from 10 different schools, provide their own reports on what works for them and their schools in developing student voice. The publication recognises students as informed and legitimate authors and aims to provide educational practitioners at all levels with practical support in developing student voice initiatives.
The Specialist Schools and Academies Trust, which works towards building and enabling a world-class network of innovative, high performing secondary schools in partnership with business and the wider community, commissioned this publication. It is an insightful read for anyone interested in student engagement, leadership, assessment for learning, and cultural diversity projects. The publication includes inspiring examples of student-led initiatives, such as developing student leadership models, student collaborative lesson evaluations, and e-mentoring projects. It also covers how students have been involved in lesson observation and feedback, researching boys’ writing, and working with staff to improve learning and assessment.
“Learning with Students” aims to promote the importance of student voice in transforming education and providing students with a platform to express their opinions and ideas. This publication highlights the positive impact of student voice initiatives and offers practical insights for educational practitioners looking to develop similar programme in their schools. The publication recognises the importance of listening to and valuing student perspectives and provides a range of examples for schools to learn from and build upon.
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