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Leading Change Issue 9 – Spring 2014
Issue 09 of Leading Change explores the feasibility of delivering effective, relevant, and innovative training online, focusing on a January 2014 training day emphasising Assessment for Learning (AfL). Sue Rose and Adrian Colman from Caroline Chisholm School discuss the decision-making process, software selection, course structure, and feedback from participants.
Elaine Skates, Deputy Chief Executive from the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom (LOtC) writes about its importance, drawing inspiration from successful practices at Holme Grange School and Neston High School. The LOtC approach is advocated for improving student engagement, attainment, and behaviour, emphasising the need to integrate it seamlessly into the curriculum for maximum impact.
The journal covers diverse topics from building confidence, sustainable improvement, a whole school approach to global learning, tackling hate crime and the impact of staff development on partnerships.
Staff members located in Leading Edge Network schools have access to this Journal as a membership benefit.

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