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Leading Change Issue 4 – September 2012
Issue 04 of the Leading Change journal kicks off the academic year by celebrating the spirit of the Olympics, drawing inspiration from the stories of athletes and coaches. The journal delves into the concept of ‘the aggregation of marginal gains,’ as highlighted by Dave Brailsford, Performance Director for British Cycling, echoing the transformative power of small improvements in overall performance. The Leading Edge network aims to share such impactful ideas, fostering collaboration among outstanding schools. The issue encourages reflection on the Achievement Show, a vibrant platform for sharing best practices.
Featuring schools that showcased outstanding practices at the Achievement Show, the journal explores topics like sustained success through collaboration, international learning opportunities, literacy across the curriculum, and musical achievements.
Staff members located in Leading Edge Network schools have access to this Journal as a membership benefit.

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This resource is exclusive to Leading Edge members only. If you are not a member of Leading Edge find out more.