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Leading Change Issue 25 – Spring 2023
Welcome to the 25th edition of Leading Change.
Leading Change shares some of the projects which were supported by last year’s Leading Edge Innovation Grants. As ever, they represent an interesting and varied insight into the work going on in the network. We are a little later than usual in sharing the work of the innovation grants this year as we needed to give some extensions due to delays caused by Covid.
We hope that you enjoy learning more about the projects. We have included contact details in case you want to discuss them further.
Instructional coaching: fostering powerful improvements in teaching
Uckfield College
Developing literacy through parental engagement
Debenham High School
Developing oracy at Herts & Essex
The Hertfordshire and Essex High School
Rudy Loewe Project
Eastbury Community School
Guest Scholars Project
King Richard School
Walk and talk
Mullion School
Developing an enhanced curriculum for deaf learners with complex needs with a focus on outdoor learning opportunities
Eastbury Community School
‘Can a considered programme of female empowerment positively impact student self-esteem and self-efficacy?’
Invicta Grammar School

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This resource is exclusive to Leading Edge members only. If you are not a member of Leading Edge find out more.