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Leading Change Issue 24 – Autumn 2021
Welcome to the 24th edition of Leading Change. It shares the outcomes of our last round of innovation grant projects. Thank you to all of the participating schools for sharing a summary of their work.
Obviously these projects have taken place during a period of huge disruption and I am sure that you will be as impressed as us with what has been achieved against the odds. As ever the projects cover a wide range of themes; we hope that they will provide you with food for thought.
Developing 14 male white ribbon champions to support peers within a school setting
Falinge Park High School
Upskilling students and staff in the cognitive science of learning to support a mastery curriculum
St John The Baptist School
Public lectures
Cambourne Village College
CPL dashboard
Witton Park Academy
The environment as the third teacher
West Oak SEN Specialist School and College
Creating a self-directed coaching culture: a new approach to connect and develop internal capability
King Richard School, Ministry of Defence, Cyprus
Pet therapy to support positive mental health
Eggar’s School

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This resource is exclusive to Leading Edge members only. If you are not a member of Leading Edge find out more.