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Leading Change Issue 22 – Autumn 2019
Issue 22 of the Leading Change journal showcases the interesting work undertaken by the Leading Edge schools who were awarded innovation grants in 2018. Their projects cover a wide range of issues and provide practical advice that we are sure all member schools will find helpful. Congratulations to all the contributing schools on their work.
Meols Cop High School showcases the effectiveness of diagnostic questions in shaping assessments, providing valuable insights into student learning and progress.
Loreto Grammar School adopts a proactive stance in supporting students’ mental health, fostering a nurturing environment for overall well-being.
Debenham High School addresses the vocabulary gap, unveiling strategies to enhance language skills and comprehension among students.
Brooke Weston Academy elevates the cultural capital of KS3 students through an interleaved curriculum, fostering a word-rich culture and emphasising oracy initiatives.
Shenley Brook End School introduces the inclusion project, preparing students for a successful return to the learning environment.
Uckfield College employs an evidence-based approach to enhance exam attainment, sharing insights into effective strategies.
Finham Park School emphasises the importance of engaging with academic research for achieving responsive teaching, aligning educational practices with evidence-based insights.
St John The Baptist School explores the concept of productive struggle, delving into how it contributes to meaningful learning experiences for students.
Impington Village College assesses interventions to enhance boys’ engagement and attainment, providing valuable insights into effective teaching strategies.
Harris Academy Chafford Hundred explores factors that make a difference in the classroom for highly able students, tailoring educational practices to meet their unique needs.
Bower Park Academy delves into the nuances of mastery, exploring the fine balance between stretch and challenge in educational settings.
Mount St Joseph Catholic School focuses on raising boys’ achievement by elevating aspirations and enhancing literacy levels.
Staff members located in Leading Edge Network schools have access to this Journal as a membership benefit.

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