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Leading Change Issue 2 – December 2011
Issue 02 of the Leading Change journal delves into the evolving landscape of education, contemplating the visionary trajectory of the World Wide Web as it turns 21. Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the brilliant mind behind the WWW, envisions a future web where knowledge creation transcends existing boundaries through data synthesis. The journal prompts educators to reflect on the adequacy of metrics in gauging the impact of educational strategies, advocating for a balance between quantitative data and the art of teaching.
Assistant Headteacher Michael Cousins’ case study challenges conventional wisdom, revealing the importance of evidence-based decision-making in education. As the Leading Edge initiative marks its eighth year, the journal celebrates collaborative learning communities and the profound impact of lead schools on national educational practices. The current educational landscape, dominated by Teaching Schools, requires a blend of autonomy and collaboration. Valentines High School’s journey from Leading Edge to Teaching School exemplifies the transformative power of sharing best practices and fostering partnerships. The imperative to collaborate echoes through the pages, emphasising the significance of cooperation in achieving a win-win scenario for education.
Staff members located in Leading Edge Network schools have access to this Journal as a membership benefit.

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