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Leading Change Issue 15 – Autumn 2016
Welcome to issue 15 of the Leading Change journal, spotlighting the innovative projects supported by Leading Edge through last year’s innovation grants. The diverse range of projects showcased reflects the outstanding work within our school network. We’ve thoroughly enjoyed exploring them and trust you will too.
Each case study provides contact details – feel free to connect with projects that pique your interest, sparking conversations across our network. Additionally, we hope you’ve delved into the information about the Framework for Exceptional Education (FfEE). Co-developed with Leading Edge schools, the framework has garnered positive feedback, offering a valuable tool for reviewing your practices, connecting meaningfully with other schools, and gaining national recognition.
The journal covers diverse topics including improving academic literacy, the impact of sensory integration on engagement of children on the autism spectrium, promotion of STEM careers to girls, using spaced repetition and interleaved learning to improve long-term memory, using audio to digital feedback, adventure learning and the White British Achievement Project.
Staff members located in Leading Edge Network schools have access to this Journal as a membership benefit.

This resource is exclusive to Leading Edge members only. If you are not a member of Leading Edge find out more.
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