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Leading Change Issue 14 – Spring 2016
Issue 14 of the Leading Edge journal delves into lesson observation research grounded in the practices of outstanding schools. The Heathfield Academy in Leicestershire, led by Richard Cahill, shares insights into the dynamic relationship between the evolving lesson observation tools and the school context. The case study reveals a compelling connection between what is measured and the outcomes observed over an eight-year period.
George Dixon Academy in Birmingham, under the guidance of Data Consultant Manjit Sahota, explores the effective implementation of Progress 8. The academy’s proactive approach to data analysis, tracking progress at various levels, exemplifies how this measure can be harnessed to benefit diverse student populations.
The journal covers diverse topics including teacher-led action research, measuring progress for SEN pupils, revision, using Raspberry Pi in schools, evaluation of the SCERTS model – supporting children with autism and values for modern Britain.
Staff members located in Leading Edge Network schools have access to this Journal as a membership benefit.

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