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Leading Change Issue 13 – Winter 2016
Issue 13 of the Leading Change journal explores the impact of the removal of National Curriculum levels at KS3 and the impact of the freedoms that allowed. Steve Cox shares that following extensive research, it became apparent that there were many more questions than answers and a significant number of teachers were unsure or the unknown. The school decided to develop a life after levels approach that would work for thier students and that offered quality and equity.
Jason Wood, Assistant Headteacher at The Corsham School, discusses getting the philosophy of Pupil Premium right regardless of the uncertainty of the funding.
The journal covers diverse topics from personalising learning, embedding learning characteristics at the centre of school development, tackling homo, bi and transphobic language, and schools making the difference for FSM pupils.
Staff members located in Leading Edge Network schools have access to this Journal as a membership benefit.

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