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Leading Change Issue 12 – Autumn 2015
Welcome to Issue 12, the special ‘Innovation Grants 2014-2015’ edition of Leading Change. Just over a year ago, the Leading Edge steering group recognised the need to refocus on innovation within the network. Despite a strong history of promoting innovative practices, there was a collective decision to further support member schools in experimenting with fresh ideas.
In response to our call for innovation grant applications, we received a substantial number of proposals. These grants were designed to aid ongoing projects or empower colleagues to explore entirely untested concepts. After careful consideration, we have chosen a selection of projects for this edition.
The featured projects span a broad spectrum, addressing both whole-school and subject-specific areas. We invite you to delve into these initiatives, and if any resonate with you, feel free to use the provided contact emails to engage in further conversation. Enjoy the read!
Staff members located in Leading Edge Network schools have access to this Journal as a membership benefit.

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