
Exploring Smarter Spaces

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Exploring Smarter Spaces

Publication Date: 2018

Dulux Smarter Spaces and SSAT collaborated on a project delving into the potential of ‘smarter spaces’ to enhance engagement and improve teaching quality. This project report, spanning various schools, showcases tangible outcomes with varied results across the participants.

The common thread across schools was the emphasis on learner engagement in the design process. Questionnaires, surveys, and learner involvement fostered a sense of ownership, leading to spaces that met diverse needs.

These smarter spaces also positively influenced behaviour and attitudes. The pride associated with purposefully designed spaces translated into raised aspirations and reduced behaviour sanctions. Schools noted improvements in learners’ commitment to various activities.

In essence, the project showcased how thoughtful design, learner engagement, and simplicity of approach could transform learning spaces into dynamic environments, aligning with schools’ visions and values. The report suggests that incorporating such adaptable, well-designed spaces into educational settings could lead to improved learning experiences and outcomes.

Exploring Smarter Spaces

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