
Deep Leadership for Social Justice

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Deep Leadership for Social Justice

By Sue Williamson
Publication Date: 2019

This is the last pamphlet in this initial series of publications on fighting for deep social justice. We have done an initial exploration of deep learning, deep experience, and deep support for social justice. The importance of leadership at all levels is highlighted throughout all four pamphlets and in this pamphlet, Sue Williamson focuses on the role of school leaders – in their school or MAT, in their local community, and nationally – to secure social justice for every child. At SSAT we have always advocated that school leaders must lead the system, and we believe that this must be real or authentic leadership. Not a tokenistic role of simply implementing the policies of the secretary of state.

A section on principled leadership for social justice, by Sue’s SSAT colleague Dan Belcher, examines leadership at all levels and provides key questions to help leaders.

Case histories then spell out some of the practical elements needed to gain social justice in schools.

Finally, Professor Sir Tim Brighouse, one of the most respected educationists of the late 20th and early 21st centuries, analyses how we got to where we are, and emphasises the duty of all those in education – state and private – to contribute to realising deep social justice.

Sue Williamson concludes: “I hope you will join us in fighting for deep social justice so that it is truly led by school leaders working in partnership with other stakeholders, particularly young people, parents, local communities, employers and policymakers.”

“Deep Leadership for Social Justice” is a publication by SSAT (Schools, Students, and Teachers Network), an organisation dedicated to improving outcomes for young people. With a focus on school improvement and innovation, SSAT collaborates with schools and academies in the UK and internationally.

Deep Leadership for Social Justice

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