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Coronavirus: Lessons in leadership
At SSAT we’ve been struck by how school leaders and their teams have responded to unprecedented challenges, change and uncertainty in recent weeks. The stories we have seen and heard of the fantastic work being done which acts in the very best interest of all children and staff are an inspiration.
We are keen to capture and share the experiences and reflections of leaders from schools in our network based on events of recent weeks.
The thoughts and extracts from conversations you will read in this publication are framed around the seven questions below.
- What has it been like to lead your school/academy/organisation through the Coronavirus crisis?
- What have you learned about leadership or yourself as a leader during this difficult time?
- What has challenged you the most/what has been your main concern?
- What positive from this situation would you like to highlight?
- Share three emotions you’ve experienced in recent weeks and what’s triggered them.
- What one piece of advice or guidance would you give to others leading their school/academy/organisation through this or another crisis?
- If you could ask for one piece of help or support for your school/academy/organisation as we go into the summer term what would it be, who would you ask?
A big thank you to everyone who has been in touch with us so far. Your open, honest contributions are appreciated and valued.
We hope that the lessons learned from and insights into the collective experience of leaders in schools will help to encourage, strengthen, support and sustain those working in and with our school communities as we start the summer term in a very different way.

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