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2018 GCSE results and performance measures – a guide for school governors and trustees
This guide helps make sense of the changes to the GCSEs in 2018 – what this means for students, but also how these play into school performance measures, and how to interpret both. This guide is written with governors and trustees/directors in mind; though it may also be useful for school and MAT leaders, teachers and parents. It is intended to provide a comprehensive guide for governing boards without being overtechnical.
This guide refers to the GCSE results for the summer of 2018; the performance data for which will be confirmed in January 2019. However – withstanding any major government changes to GCSEs or performance measures – the information and advice here should make sense in 2019 and beyond
Some of the Areas covered in this guide:
- GCSEs and performance measures
- The new GCSEs
- Timeline for change
- What represents a pass in the new GCSEs?
- KS4 headline measures
- What to analyse, when
- Setting targets and strategic planning
- Key questions for governors to ask about the new GCSEs
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