Implementing Effective Change series
Get exclusive early access to the TLC workshops, plus the opportunity to work directly with SSAT and EEF alongside other leaders across the SSAT network. An opportunity to familiarise yourself with the materials before using them with your team.

Next pilot group starts
February 2025

Four-part programme

Free for SSAT members

Not yet an SSAT member? Find out more.
In partnership with the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) and the Research Schools Network.
We are delighted to be working in partnership with the EEF and the Research Schools Network to co-construct a series focusing on implementing effective change.
Through a series of four packs, we will support your team in working collaboratively to develop their implementation practice.
Implementation matters. Even the greatest idea remains only an idea until it is successfully implemented. Effective implementation is the cornerstone of all meaningful and sustainable change in education, whether your focus is classroom, curriculum or culture.
‘However well-evidenced an educational idea or intervention is, what really matters is how it manifests itself in the day to day work of people in schools.’ (Education Endowment Foundation, 2024)
The Implementing Effective Change series will offer a four-part programme exploring the recommendations of EEF’s implementation guidance report (2024), co-constructed by SSAT, EEF and the Research Schools Network.
The four phases of the programme will be explored through the lens of the behaviours that drive effective implementation and the back-drop of the contextual factors that influence it.
1. Explore
Pilot group completed: November 2024
Release date for resources: February 2025
Video available
- What’s the problem and what’s already going on?
- What does the research evidence suggest and how does it relate to our setting?
- What are the barriers and enablers to change in our setting?
- How challenging is the approach to implement?
2. Prepare
Pilot group starts: February 2025
Release date for resources: April 2025
We will hold a re-cap webinar to explain the learning from the Explore phase and launch the resource pack materials on Wednesday 5 February, 15:45-16:45. Book your place here.
Dates: Wednesday 12 February, Wednesday 5 March, Wednesday 19 March, Wednesday 2 April
Timing: 15:45 – 17:00 (75 mins)
- What are the guiding principles of implementation planning?
- What are the essential practices that underpin the approach?
- What strategies will you implement to overcome barriers and build on your enablers?
- How will you monitor implementation?
3. Deliver
Pilot group starts: June 2025
Release date for resources: September 2025
- How will you support and encourage staff to deliver the change?
- How will you motivate staff, maintain momentum and fidelity?
- How will you identify and solve problems?
- How will you provide professional development to embed new skills, knowledge and behaviours?
4. Sustain
Pilot group starts: October 2025
Release date for resources: January 2026
- How will you build capacity, sustainability, and succession planning?
- How will you recognise, celebrate and share good practice?
- How will you review and act to inform next steps?
- How will you plan for further development – sustain, scale or de-implement?
How to get involved
Book now to join pilot group 2 to work on developing the Prepare phase resource pack. Collaborate with SSAT and colleagues from across the network to work through the Prepare stage.
Download the TLC resource packs – available from Spring 2025. Register to be notified when they are released.
Pilot group 2 starts

Belong, Connect, Improve
The 2024/25 strands of membership include:
- Leadership
- Professional Practice
- Teaching and Learning

Any questions?
Contact us or call 020 7802 2300.
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