Embedding Formative Assessment Case Studies
Building on over 20 years of research by Dylan Wiliam and Siobhan Leahy, this programme has shown to make a positive impact on student achievement and teacher behaviours.
Hundreds of schools have already joined the programme, you can read some case studies below.

Start date
2-year programme, flexible start date

In-person training and online support

SSAT members: £5,875
Non-members: £6,875
Prices exclusive of VAT

Need more information?
Book a call with Corinne Settle, Senior Education Lead
What schools are saying about the EFA programme
Embedding Formative Assessment: not just a box-ticking exercise but something long-term and meaningful for all
Mrs Jo Allan, Junior Assistant Vice Principal, Castle View Enterprise Academy
“Two years on, the impact of the EFA programme is clear. Our school culture has transformed. Staff feel empowered to take ownership of their professional development, and there’s a genuine sense of collaboration across departments.”
Moving learners forward with successful feedback through the Embedding Formative Assessment (EFA) programme
Suzanne Corr, Assistant Headteacher, St Joseph’s Primary School, HFCMAT
“Having established the principles and effectiveness of quality feedback through formative assessment, the future for our young learners has endless possibilities for them taking control and moving their learning forward.”
How to get organised in those early months
Charlotte Harland, Assistant Headteacher, Hilbre High School
“Raise the profile of EFA and celebrate it as much as you can. Use briefings, newsletters, your website, parent mails, mini reminders on whole school platforms and leadership meetings to get staff and stakeholders talking about it! Highlight staff members who have done well or have challenged themselves.”
EFA Improving student learning
Boston High School in Lincolnshire
“The school have shown exceptional commitment to ensuring that this programme is implemented with fidelity and that it is kept as a high priority throughout the school.”
From green to purple: The impact of EFA on feedback culture
St Julie’s Catholic High School
“The students joke about how many steps I must do a day. They are now asking for that feedback when I am circulating, calling me over. They are quicker to self-correct. They are more independent learners. They are taking ownership of their learning. Teaching has changed. We do not just stand at the front anymore. I am always on the move, flicking through their books, looking at their answers.”
Improving retrieval and exam performance in hospitality and catering through formative assessment
Lynsey Stearne, Teacher of Art and Design Technology, St John Plessington Catholic College, Bebington, Wirral
“Having just celebrated the end of the first year of the EFA programme it has been great to see the changes in engagement and progress in pupils.”
Learning from other school’s experiences, maximising impact
Julian Grant, EFA Mentor
“The many positive highlights shared were underpinned by a feeling that staff fundamentally valued the opportunity to have time for pedagogical discussions in a structured, meaningful, and secure way.”
The road to better formative assessment at Shireland Collegiate Academy
Sarahn Deane, Assistant Principal, Shireland Collegiate Academy
“The programme has encouraged staff to take risks, try out new strategies or reprise familiar ones and enhance them further.”
Embedding Formative Assessment – Year Two, a new but familiar journey
Sarahn Deane, Assistant Principal, Shireland Collegiate Academy
“At the end of our first year, we saw that teachers valued the programme and could see a difference in their classrooms when being consistent with the use of whole class response systems; embedded use of WALTs and WILFs; and a school-wide ‘no hands up’ strategy.”
Better evidence = Better Decisions = Better Learning
“Teacher habit change takes time. As in the classroom, it’s not just what we do, but how you do it that matters. Successful implementation of the programme requires schools to pay regular attention to specific additional activities, this is where SSAT’s support is here for you.”
5 reasons to implement Embedding Formative Assessment
Lostock High School
“…the EFA work has been particularly effective with the school’s Pupil Premium cohort: ‘They are much more confident and orally they are much stronger. Strategies like this get them talking, confident to make mistakes, and that is an essential part of learning process.’ ”
Embedding Formative Assessment: Reflections on year one
Helen Corsie, Assistant Headteacher, The Manor Academy
“At the end of the launch sessions, expertly led by our SSAT mentor, colleagues left feeling enthused and excited about the potential of the programme and the questions of ‘Why this programme, why now?’ were assuredly answered.”
EFA Programme Summary
Download an overview of the programmes content and sample of a Teacher Learning Community workshop using the attached.
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