Sharing Best Practice to Secure Good Attendance
Since the pandemic, pupil absence has become a priority both for schools and nationally. Join this webinar to gain insights from innovative schools and exchange ideas and strategies with peers.

Start date
Wednesday 15 November 2023
15:45 – 17:30


Need more information? Get in touch or call 020 7802 0955
Are you concerned about the attendance challenges that schools are facing, and eager to explore solutions?
In education consistent attendance is crucial. This webinar brings educators, and experts together to share effective strategies for boosting school attendance. Through discussions, presentations, and idea-sharing, we’ll provide you with practical knowledge and tools to create a positive attendance culture that supports student success.
You will have the opportunity to take a step back and reflect on your current practice and learn about successful strategies that you could adapt for your setting.
We will start with a brief update from Colin Logan, senior education lead at SSAT and a recent Ofsted inspector, on current trends, the new approach to attendance from Ofsted, the implications of the DfE’s review of attendance and the latest research.
You will then hear from senior leaders from two schools that have adopted a whole-school strategy to improve attendance: Harriett Dukes, assistant headteacher at Ricards Lodge High School, Wimbledon and Simon Warburton, principal of Ely College, Cambridgeshire.
At Ricards Lodge, their attendance strategy is founded on linking attendance, behaviour and family engagement. The key to success has been close tracking to provide targeted support, a streamlined approach to the work of senior leaders, heads of year, the education welfare service and most importantly a holistic approach to forming positive relationships with families.
There will also be a breakout session in small groups which will give colleagues the opportunity to ask each other questions, share ideas and plan future collaborative activity.
SSAT’s Improving Whole School Attendance and Punctuality Programme
If you need bespoke support, find out more about our attendance and punctuality programme. A member of our education team will provide an independent review of your attendance and punctuality systems and strategies and suggest new approaches to further improve attendance and punctuality rates.
Join us at this event and purchase the attendance and punctuality programme by Friday 15 December 2023 and we’ll discount the fee by £185 – the equivalent of the member rate for this online event.
Who is it for?
Headteachers, deputy and assistant heads, pastoral leads, school business managers in Secondary schools – anyone with a strategic responsibility for attendance who wants to hear what other schools are doing to improve school attendance.
Host information
Colin Logan, Senior Education Lead, SSAT
Colin has worked at five large comprehensive schools as a languages teacher, head of department and faculty, deputy head and finally headteacher. He is a recent Ofsted inspector and was a senior adviser in the National Strategies in the data and evaluation team. Colin joined SSAT in 2011 and is a senior education lead with responsibility for data, accountability and inspection.
Date and location
15:45 – 17:30
Read more about the importance of school attendance

Why attendance matters
School attendance has obviously had a strange few years. For many months attendance became about being present online – a face in a sea of boxes on screen. Teachers reacted creatively and skilfully, high quality learning was delivered against the odds.

Working together to improve attendance
Nic Harrison, senior education lead at SSAT, highlights ways in which schools can improve their attendance based on his own unique experiences.
Ofsted – what’s new this term?
While we await a completely new inspection framework, find out about two sets of revisions to the current arrangements that came out at the end of last term and during the summer break.

Any questions?
Contact us or call 020 7802 2300.
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