Attendance is “everyone’s business”. Getting more children to school more of the time has never been more challenging or necessary. It is a challenge that schools are rising to, with rates increasing slowly year on year. Despite this, vulnerable student absence and severe absence continues to increase so more needs to be done.

Start date
Multiple options available

Variety of online and in-person

Multiple options available

We welcome enquiries from Local Authorities, Multi-Academy Trusts and DfE Attendance Hubs.
In 2024-25, the DfE guidance for managing attendance becomes statutory and recent inspection reports are showing attendance as a ‘need to improve’ are increasing. Is your school compliant with the guidance? Are you implementing evidence-informed strategies to tackle pupil absence? Are you getting value for resources deployed to improve attendance? Is attendance really everyone’s business in your setting?
We can help across all phases of education including primary, secondary, special, and across MATs. Choose the level of support that best meets the needs of your context from our range of evidence informed approaches.

Webinar: What works
Looking to delve a little deeper into the five ‘best bets’ for improving attendance and punctuality? Then join our next webinar.
Using attendance data effectively to better target interventions
Thursday 13 March 2025, 16.00 – 17.30

Attendance: Audit tool
Looking to review your own attendance practice? Take a look at our audit tool.
Our evidence-based audit tool supports you to evaluate your attendance provision against five key themes drawn from recent research, allowing you to drill down to the detail of your policies and processes and compare with best practice in the field.

Bespoke support
Looking for a more bespoke approach? Talk to us about building a support package to suit you
We provide bespoke support for schools and colleges who are:
- Seeking to work collaboratively on improving attendance as partners within:
- a local authority
- a multi-academy trust
- a DfE Attendance Hub
- another network
- At the very start of a journey to improve attendance.
- Refocusing their work to improve attendance in light of external feedback.

Coming soon: Attendance Leaders’ Programme for Schools (ALPS)
Improving attendance can feel like climbing a mountain. We are developing a programme to meet the professional learning needs of senior leaders accountable for attendance alongside attendance managers. Drawing on our evidence-informed ‘best bets’ for improving attendance, the programme of six online sessions, will enable leaders to work with colleagues in other settings.
Our attendance expert
Dr Keven Bartle, Senior Education Lead, SSAT
Keven has been a teacher for almost three decades and was headteacher at a richly diverse secondary school in London for nine years. Through his career, Keven has been committed to the power of education for social justice and transformation, working in schools where staff make a difference to the lives of children, families and communities.
Summary of Policy and Research on Attendance and Punctuality
This research summary presents an overview of the key insights, findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the array of evidence-informed reports that have been published about pupil attendance and punctuality to school since 2019.

Any questions?
Contact us or call 020 7802 2300.
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