Effective Primary Subject Leadership
Become an accredited SSAT delivery partner for the Effective Primary Subject Leadership programme to provide aspiring or existing primary subject leaders with the opportunity to develop their knowledge and understanding of the subject leader role and equip them with the skills to develop their subject within their own schools.

Start date
You decide. Facilitator training will be provided at a date and time to suit you

Delivery partner (annual licence) and consultancy models available.

SSAT members: £1,350 + £225 per module
Non-members: £1,825 + £325 per module

Deliver training to groups of up to 20 participants.
Contact us if you’d like SSAT’s education team to deliver this for you.
In a primary school, undertaking a subject leadership role gives teachers the opportunity to make an impact beyond their own classroom and develop new skills and expertise; it can offer meaningful development opportunities for primary practitioners and is often the first experience of leadership.
The aim of this programme is to provide aspiring or existing primary subject leaders with the opportunity to develop their knowledge and understanding of the subject leader role and equip them with the skills to develop their subject within their own schools.
There are challenges within the role of a subject leader, especially for those new to the role or those who do not see themselves as ‘expert’ in a specific subject area. Subject leaders in small schools may be asked to lead multiple subjects. This programme will address these by providing the knowledge and tools to help them lead their subject with confidence.
- Lead with greater knowledge, confidence and effectiveness.
- Gain clarity on curriculum intent and how this informs curriculum design.
- Have the tools and knowledge to evaluate strengths and areas for improvement to determine future action within the subject.
- Understand how to support the development and expertise of colleagues.
- Be confident and knowledgeable when communicating to others.
Personalise content to your needs
Delivery partners can tailor module content to their needs to create a personalised programme for subject leaders. Content is suitable for primary, infant and junior schools. Each module is designed as a two-hour session and modules can be delivered as twilights or combined over a half or full day. A minimum of four modules must be delivered.
- The role of the primary subject leader and creating a vision.
- The subject leader’s role in curriculum design.
- Understanding the subject in practice – what are the current strengths and areas for development?
- Practical ways to develop the subject in a primary setting.
- Communicating to others and preparing for external scrutiny.
Note: A minimum purchase of four modules is required.
What is required to be a delivery partner?
Confidence that you have the infrastructure and capacity to deliver the training.
How does it work?
Using SSAT’s quality assured materials, two teachers from your school will attend an online facilitator training event to become qualified facilitators. They can then deliver the programme to a cohort of staff in your school or across your networks creating the opportunity to generate new income streams. Each cohort may have a maximum of 20 participants.
Who can be approved as trainers?
- Each school delivery partner must have one lead facilitator and at least one second facilitator.
- Only approved facilitators will be allowed to deliver SSAT’s subject leadership training and at least one must be school based . All facilitators must attend the training by SSAT.
Who is this for?
Content is suitable for primary, infant and junior schools.
Effective Primary Subject Leadership flyer
Find out more about the Effective Primary Subject Leadership programme.

Any questions?
Contact us or call 020 7802 2300.
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