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Educational Outcomes Database
What is Educational Outcomes?
Educational Outcomes is SSAT’s unique performance analysis tool, combining official DfE and Ofsted sources into one database to show you performance and contextual data using around 40 different metrics for your own school and for every state-funded school in the country. You can also use the database to identify schools in similar circumstances to your own to help you collaborate, network and share ideas.
Educational Outcomes 2024 for KS2 and 4
In its current format, Educational Outcomes has been a valued resource for school leaders for more than a decade.
The full version of Educational Outcomes 2024 for KS4, based on the February 2025 DfE validated data release, gives you:
- A one-page dashboard for your school. An at a glance summary of all of your contextual and performance data set beside comparative national data to allow for quick and easy benchmarking for senior leaders and governors.
- Three scatter charts showing how your school compares with all schools nationally – choose from ‘prior attainment and attainment 8’, ‘prior attainment and progress 8’ and, as an indicator of overall achievement, ‘attainment 8 compared with progress 8’
- A searchable database of all schools showing school context and characteristics followed by 37 performance indicators that include breakdowns by gender and disadvantage
- Direct links to each school’s latest Ofsted report and grades (as at 31 December 2024)
The full version of Educational Outcomes for KS2 based on the DfE final data published in December 2024 provides:
- A one-page dashboard for your school. An at a glance summary of all of your contextual and performance data set beside comparative national data to allow for quick and easy benchmarking for senior leaders and governors.
- A chart comparing the performance of disadvantaged children in your chosen school for all KS2 indicators compared with that of disadvantaged children nationally.
- A searchable database of all schools showing school context and characteristics followed by a range of performance indicators that include breakdowns by gender and disadvantage.
- Direct links to each school’s latest Ofsted report and grades (as at 31 November 2024)
Please note that for KS2 tests in 2024, no progress data has been published nationally because of the absence of prior attainment data from KS1 in 2020 during the pandemic.

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