SSAT Children’s Charter:
A Pledge for Children

‘We talk about the economic crisis, the crisis in the cost of living; when will we talk about the crisis in childhood?’
(Carpenter, 2022)

Whole School Audit and support package

An audit and CPD tool for schools based around three whole school sessions identifying areas of strength and areas for development based upon the needs of your learners against the 6 principles of SSAT’s Children’s Charter.

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Webinar series: What our learners need now
We held a webinar series in 2024 to reflect on the needs of children and young people, through the lens of some of the underpinning principles of SSAT’s Children’s Charter.

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On Wednesday 26th April 2023 school leaders across all phases and settings, along with partners and organisations joined the online launch of the SSAT Children’s Charter: A Pledge for Children.

SSAT Chief Executive, Sue Williamson, welcomed Professor Barry Carpenter, and Matthew Carpenter, Principal of Baxter College who, together, shared the rationale and context behind the creation of the charter and what our children and young people need now: our response to a reshaped, redefined 21st century childhood.

SSAT, with Professor Barry Carpenter and Matthew Carpenter, led a seminar in December 2022 ‘Thinking about Children’; where leaders from secondary, primary, special schools and universities, together with partner organisations met to consider the daily lived reality of children and young people now, post pandemic, in order to shape the detail within the Children’s Charter.

We are delighted to be able to share our charter and those six principles with you now.

Individually, we all bring our unique experiences and expertise but together we are stronger.

Download your copy of SSAT Children’s Charter: A Pledge for Children

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