Why we need to be kind: Professor Barry Carpenter describes how a recovery curriculum could be implemented

SSAT with Professor Barry Carpenter

Following his popular blog on a recovery curriculum, Professor Barry Carpenter talks to SSAT’s Head of Policy and Public Affairs, Tom Middlehurst, about how this might be implemented in the coming weeks as more schools open for more students.

Barry explains what this might look like for different groups of students, key issues around transition from primary to secondary, how to balance a recovery curriculum with the needs of catching up on academic learning, and how the same principles can be applied to staff training and welfare. Ultimately, Barry, says: we need to be kind.

2 thoughts on “Why we need to be kind: Professor Barry Carpenter describes how a recovery curriculum could be implemented

  1. Ajay Pandya on said:

    Great ideas on transition. Thank you. You have given me lots of ideas and growth points for our program. Ajay

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