Website update

Seven weeks has passed since the launch of the new SSAT website, and it is still very much a work in progress. We’ve several updates that are ready to be activated but before we push the button, it’s important we bring the existing content of the site up to a standard we are happy with. The most important aspect of this is consistent formatting and a good balance of copy and images. You may notice that some areas of the site are consistent in their layout and style – perhaps you’ve visited our national conference area, or explored our different membership packages. These are sections of the website we are very happy with, and are fully representative of the look and feel we wish to provide visitors. You may also notice that other areas are slightly behind in their renovation. Last week, our Lead Practitioner web pages were revamped and as we speak, our TEEP area is being prepped for a similar exercise.

This is when we play our ‘work-in-progress’ card. A little patience is all we ask for during this initial phase of the new website. There is a high possibility you will visit one area of the site that will look very different from another during this process. Rest assured this is far from intentional and will become less and less visible as we work through the improvements.

If you would like to make any comments on the new website, or ask us any questions relating to something you’ve seen during your visit, please email us at – all comments are very welcome.

It’s almost half-term for the majority of schools – where does the time go!? That also means it’s just over seven weeks until our national conference – we’d love to see you all there.

Ben Sibley, Web Officer

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