The role of education in achieving social mobility and social justice

Our overarching theme for this year’s summer series is Deep Social Justice in Action: Tackling disadvantage and discrimination. We launched the series last week, by sharing with teachers and leaders who booked places to join the live online events, a recording of SSAT’s CEO, Sue Williamson in a very engaging, thought-provoking conversation with Professor Andy Hargreaves. The discussion focused on the role of education in achieving social mobility and social justice.

We are keen to give everyone in schools in the network a chance to be part of the discussions we are having this summer. If you haven’t already had a chance to watch this in full, please take some time to do so. Watch the recording here.

We would encourage you to view and discuss with colleagues if that is at all possible. We have set up a Jamboard so that you can tell us about any key learning from what you viewing. We would also like you to tell us about something that’s happening in your school to make social mobility and social justice a reality for the children, young people and other stakeholders in your school community.

There are two further events in the summer series addressing important issues relevant to everyone working in and with schools in all phases and contexts. Find out more about these events and book your places for yourself and your colleagues.

We look forward to seeing all our members at the next Summer Series event later this month.

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