The Early Careers Framework is launched

As you welcome your new Early Career Teachers (ECT’s) this week you will be starting a journey with them as the Early Careers Framework is launched. Much work will have already taken place in preparation for this new initiative, and you will be working together for the next two years to ensure that they have the best possible start to their teaching careers.

What is the Early Careers Framework?

The statutory induction guidance for the ECF includes the following:

  • Standard induction is increased to two years
  • ECT’s will be entitled to a 10% timetable reduction in Year 1 and a 5% timetable in year two
  • The two-year induction period should be underpinned by the ECF (there are three routes available to achieve this)
  • Separate roles for the induction tutor and the mentor
  • A revised Quality Assurance system overseen by ‘appropriate bodies’ (note these do not include Teaching Schools but may include Local Authorities, Teaching School Hubs and other organisations approved by DfE)

Induction Tutors

Induction tutors “provide regular monitoring and support, and coordination of assessment” (DfE, 2021). Whilst they are a key element of the team that supports the ECT, the emphasis will be on delivery, monitoring and assessment and the main personalised support will be the remit of the ECT mentor.

Induction Mentors

Key to the success of the ECF will be your mentors. Mentors are charged with guiding and supporting their ECT’s and RQT’s throughout the process. Whilst ECT’s will follow a formal programme of induction it is the mentor’s role to provide the school and subject context that enables them to make best use of it. Mentors will need to:

  • Meet regularly with the ECT for structured mentoring sessions to provide targeted feedback. (1 hour per week).
  • Ensure effective support, including subject or phase-specific coaching.
  • intervene quickly if the ECT is having difficulties.

In order to do this mentors will need to be highly skilled, reflective practitioners who can provide advice, support and model best practice. The newly defined role of induction mentor will be crucial to the development of your ECT’s over the coming months.


For those schools that have chosen to work with one of the six ECF providers, Induction Mentor Training should have already started and will continue throughout the two years consisting of 36 hours overall. Additionally, Induction Mentors may benefit from specific coaching training that will equip them to give relevant and targeted feedback to ECT’s in a practical and positive way.

SSAT welcomes both the new entrants to the profession and those who are undertaking the delivery of the Early Career Framework and look forward to accompanying them on their journey.

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Early Careers Teacher Inspirations – Launch

Why not join us on Wednesday 15 September, for the launch of the Early Careers Teachers Inspirations? An opportunity for you and the wider SSAT network to uncover the framework, understanding how to best enhance in-school practice and compliment other training and development. Find out more >

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