TeachVac: supporting schools during a recruitment crisis

Schools are facing the worst teacher recruitment crisis since the Second World War, but there is little recognition of this in the mainstream media and little comment from the DfE.

SSAT CEO, Sue Williamson, spoke with Professor John Howson, a renowned expert on teacher recruitment, and you can view their discussion in the video below.

TeachVac is an independent national vacancy service for schools and teachers across England and continues to support recruitment needs at a time when the pressure to recruit and retain quality educators has never been more important.

Schools using TeachVac are charged a single yearly fee of £500+VAT (£75+VAT for primary schools) to advertise unlimited jobs. Special rates for MATs and other groups. Sign up and pay by end of July 2023 and the price will be discounted to £400+VAT for secondary schools or £50+VAT for primary schools.

With 2,000,000 matches in 2022 and over 100,000 teaching vacancies sent to our job seekers let us help support you through 2023.

Go to www.teachvac.co.uk for more information.

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