Teachers and schools have never been more important

Teachers and schools have never been more important

As we come to the end of the Spring Term, I have been reflecting on the work that teachers have been during the last two years. Everyone who is associated with or works in a school knows that the pandemic is not over. School leaders are juggling to cover classes, and teachers are desperately trying to ensure that all students are catching up. There has been insufficient recognition of this in the media and by the government. I would also like to thank the unpaid army of volunteers – governors and trustees – who provide challenge and support.

Children and young people have experienced some normality through attending school. They are living through unprecedented times – pandemic, poverty, war, and climate change. The future is uncertain, but they are the hope for the future. Schools provide opportunities for young people beyond the taught curriculum – such as the Duke of Edinburgh Award. The scheme created in 1956 by HRH Prince Philip was designed to support the development of young people all over the world. Doyin Sonibare, a Gold award holder, spoke at the Duke’s memorial service:

“I remember thinking to myself if I can complete this, I can do anything … On reflection, I never thought I could do half of the things I have done in the last decade, yet I’ve been able to do so because of the opportunities presented to me.”

A wonderful tribute to the legacy of the Duke. I believe the same could be said of teachers and school leaders – they make the lives of young people.

Enjoy your Easter break before you return to the examination season and the challenges this presents. Hopefully, you and your students will be able to enjoy some of the rites of passage such as the Prom. We hope to inspire you with our Summer Series of activities. We thank you for all you do every day – it makes a difference to so many young lives.

Sue Williamson

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