Maths from below
Julie Jacques, SSAT lead practitioner, Cambourne Village College, explains how more effective use of teaching assistants and practical resources to improve understanding can improve maths teaching
Julie Jacques, SSAT lead practitioner, Cambourne Village College, explains how more effective use of teaching assistants and practical resources to improve understanding can improve maths teaching
Nilam Patel, mathematics curriculum leader at Canons High School, describes the improvements in progress as well as enjoyment and engagement resulting from personalised learning
Henri Yeoman (née Plag), head of maths at Thornaby Academy and SSAT Lead Practitioner writes.
Mike Randall, maths teacher at Malmesbury School and author, ASDAN’s new Accelerating Progress maths course, which is aimed at helping learners gain a grade 4 or 5 in the new, more demanding GCSE, writes.
A student comment prompted David Newburn, SSAT LP at Excelsior Academy, to change his long-standing approach.
The penultimate blog in our Achievement Show tasters series. AHT Jon Colebrook on how an approach first used in maths has influenced the whole school.
Guest blogger & Director of Secondary at NCETM Robert Wilne argues that pupils need the deep understanding of knowing why an algorithm works, not just that it is.
Nicola Garratt, Programme Manager SSAT, writes… Elizabeth Truss announced in October that core mathematics qualifications will be introduced from September 2015: but what does this mean for our post-16 students? At present around 50% of pupils do not continue with
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