Heroic leadership? It’s not what you think

As someone whose career has involved leading firefighters into some of the most dangerous situations, Andy Roe has thought-provoking observations about leadership. Anne-Marie Duguid and Alex Galvin of SSAT write.

Celebrating exceptional education

Alex Galvin, SSAT Senior Education Lead, writes… The team at SSAT are in the privileged position of visiting a large number of schools every year. We know that despite the very real challenges that schools are currently facing, day in
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A Leading Edge letter to The Rt Hon Michael Gove MP

Stephen Munday, Executive Headteacher, Comberton Academy Trust writes O/b SSAT Leading Edge Headteachers’ Steering Group… Dear Secretary of State I am writing on behalf of the Leading Edge programme, which represents almost 300 high-performing secondary schools and academies, to express concern at
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