Congratulations to the new secretary of state

Sue Williamson, Chief Executive SSAT, writes… SSAT would like to congratulate Nicky Morgan on her appointment as secretary of state for education in yesterday’s reshuffle. We hope that over the coming weeks and into the new academic year, Nicky engages
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The London Effect

Chris Smith, Student impact Coordinator SSAT, writes… The good news seems to keep flowing from London. This week a new report revealed that it was the most popular city destination on the entire planet, with an expected 18.7 million overnight
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Reform report

SSAT’s first survey into the impact and effectiveness of academisation, Plan A+, was carried out between December 2011 and February 2012. Since that time, the educational landscape has changed drastically; the pace, scope and scale of change in education over
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SSAT Reform Bulletins: Spring 2014

SSAT has recently published the first in a series of reform bulletins focusing on the topic of collaboration within a self-improving school system. Our first bulletin explores how collaboration can help to drive improvement throughout the school system, beyond just
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Branding democracy: let’s start in schools

Chris Smith, Student Impact Coordinator, SSAT writes… ‘Don’t bother voting’. This is Russell Brand’s message to us all. Brand’s recent interview with Jeremy Paxman has caught the public attention. Receiving praise, derision and serious political commentary in almost equal measure.
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‘Badgers move the goalposts’

Sue Williamson, Chief Executive SSAT, writes… What an amazing headline and story – a government minister’s excuse for not meeting targets. An even better excuse than my dog ate my homework. As a teacher, my sympathies are with the badgers. 
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A Leading Edge letter to The Rt Hon Michael Gove MP

Stephen Munday, Executive Headteacher, Comberton Academy Trust writes O/b SSAT Leading Edge Headteachers’ Steering Group… Dear Secretary of State I am writing on behalf of the Leading Edge programme, which represents almost 300 high-performing secondary schools and academies, to express concern at
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SSAT Primary Network response to DfE consultation

SSAT’s Primary Network members met on Wednesday 25 September 2013 to discuss, debate and formulate a response on behalf of the network to the Department for Education’s consultation Primary Assessment and Accountability under the new Curriculum. The consultation and the
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