GCSE Results 2014: Is there a level playing field?

Bill Watkin, Operational Director SSAT, writes… SSAT extends warmest congratulations to all schools, teachers and students for their outstanding work in achieving examination successes this summer. Alongside the rigour agenda on which government changes have concentrated, schools continue to get
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The summer-born effect

Chris Smith, Student Impact Coordinator SSAT, writes… The idea that the month in which you are born can determine your characteristics and fate in life is one that humans have hung onto for thousands of years. Indeed, it still exists
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A Leading Edge letter to The Rt Hon Michael Gove MP

Stephen Munday, Executive Headteacher, Comberton Academy Trust writes O/b SSAT Leading Edge Headteachers’ Steering Group… Dear Secretary of State I am writing on behalf of the Leading Edge programme, which represents almost 300 high-performing secondary schools and academies, to express concern at
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GCSEs 2013: an emerging picture

Bill Watkin, SSAT Operational Director, writes… Unlike last year, when by midday on ‘Exams Wednesday’ dozens of headteachers and principals had come together with an almost identical experience, the picture this week appears to indicate a greater variation. Last year,
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