Tackling data about teaching jobs

John Howson explains how TeachVac can support schools tackling the recruitment crisis.  

The government is presently undertaking an exercise to reshape teacher education. Should this concern you if you aren’t directly involved as a school? Let’s put the question another way. Are there enough new teachers in your area to fill all the vacancies and might the present exercise make the situation either better or worse? 

If you don’t know either how many teachers are being trained in the ‘travel to work area’ of your school or how many vacancies for teachers all the schools generate in your area, you probably cannot easily answer the question except with a ‘gut feeling’. 

TeachVac has been commenting on the ITT recruitment scene for many years, and has been joined by other commentators more recently, such as the NfER. 

TeachVac has also started to produce monthly reports on the state of the local recruitment market in each local authority area. The reports break down vacancies by the state and independent sectors, and within the state sector by both academies and maintained schools. Details of vacancies by subject and for leadership posts are also provided within the reports.  

TeachVac can customise the reports for MATs, dioceses or other specialist groups with a particular interest in a specific group of schools. This can include those looking to track changes in budget holders that might affect purchasing decisions. A sample copy of a report is available from dataforeducation@gmail.com 

TeachVac’s pricing model is based upon the local authority as the building block, and prices are as low as £5 a week for either the primary or secondary sector for an annual subscription. Keeping track of vacancies locally can enable effective planning for future teacher supply and school leaders need to be part of that debate. 

TeachVac has also launched its new Premium Service for schools that puts subscribing school’s vacancies at the top of TeachVac’s daily match list at a cost of just £1 per match and an annual limit of £1,000 for 1,000 matches with all further matches being free for the remainder of the year. 24 schools signed up in the first week and numbers are growing.  

Email enquiries@oxteachserv.com to find out more or contact John Howson directly on dataforeducation@gmail.com.  

Our list of teachers is also growing and keeps hitting new records, so the Premium Service is a cost-effective way of reaching jobseekers. 

Early evidence from our analysis of ITT offers is that 2023 will again be a challenging labour market for teachers, and with further growth in overseas schools looking for teachers many schools will struggle to recruit. The Premium Service will also help with unexpected January 2023 vacancies. 

TeachVac has the most comprehensive analysis of the labour market for teachers and our services can help provide you with the necessary knowledge to be better informed on what is happening both nationally and locally in the staffing of schools. 


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