SSAT secures EEF funding to support schools in Embedding Formative Assessment

The Schools, Students and Teachers network (SSAT) has announced funding from the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), through the DfE’s Accelerator Fund, to support schools in the Regional School Commissioner regions of the North, East Midlands and the Humber, and West Midlands. It means up to 150 secondary schools in these regions will be eligible for significantly subsidised funding of the supported two-year EFA programme.

The aim of the EFA programme is to improve pupil outcomes by embedding the use of formative assessment strategies across a school. Schools receive a detailed resource pack to run monthly workshops, known as Teacher Learning Communities (TLC), and teachers conduct structured peer observations focusing on the use of formative assessment techniques. Schools are also supported over the two-years by an SSAT EFA mentor who will provide support for all aspects of the programme.

A previous EEF research trial found that students in the Embedding Formative Assessment schools made the equivalent of two additional months progress in their Attainment 8 GCSE score compared to students who did not receive the intervention, using the standard EEF conversion from pupil scores to months progress. This result has a very high security rating. 

Sue Williamson, CEO of SSAT said ‘we are delighted to receive funding from the EEF, through the DfE Accelerator Fund, which recognises our expertise in delivering training to schools, students and teachers. This funding enables SSAT to reach and support thousands more teachers to make an even bigger difference to the students in every lesson. We are delighted to be building on work of Dylan Wiliam and Siobhan Leahy and working with Dylan on training mentors.’

SSAT, established in 1987, is a membership organisation, bringing together schools and academies from across the UK and globally committed to achieving deep social justice. They offer insight and understanding into school practice and educational policy and research. Their professional development and school improvement programmes help leaders and teachers to further outcomes for all young people and develop leadership at all levels across the system.

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Find out more about the DfE Accelerator Fund for EFA

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