Bill Watkin at SSAT NC15 – Making sense of change
At SSATNC15, Bill Watkin, SSAT’s director of policy and public affairs, gave an overview of government changes in education and some of their implications.
At SSATNC15, Bill Watkin, SSAT’s director of policy and public affairs, gave an overview of government changes in education and some of their implications.
An SSAT member school has recorded a track to raise funds for charity. Archbishop Sentamu Academy and NuSkoolMusic have teamed up to create a song to raise funds for Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF), with the aim of hitting the top
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In his SSAT National Conference 2015 workshop, Chris Waugh explained how the London Nautical School allows pupils to pick which teacher they have for English each year.
An excerpt from Amjad Ali’s intriguing account of his experience at SSAT NC15.
At SSAT NC15, NFER’s Shona MacLeod explored how more effective schools support disadvantaged pupils.
At the SSAT National CConference 2015, Professor Tanya Byron talked about the issues of mental health for young people and the challenges faced.
Four students from SSAT member schools gave a plenary session at the SSAT National Conference 2015. We summarise the best of their insightful comments.
We explore the key points made by Dr. Russ Quaglia in his SSAT National Conference 2015 plenary session on student voice and aspirations.
How time flies – the SSAT National Conference 2015 has come to a close. We’ve picked out the very best bits from day two of #SSATNC15 – giving you an insight into an incredible day. Protecting children’s mental health –
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As day one of the SSAT National Conference 2015 comes to a close, we pick out four of the very best sessions… Keynotes Speaker: Ani Magill Session title: Introducing Raising the bar Strand: Raising the bar An inspiring opening session
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