How nudges can help parents to get more involved in their children’s learning
Rob Hitch, Vice Principal, Harris Academy South Norwood, on getting away from the traditional child response to any parent enquiry about school: ‘it was alright!’
Rob Hitch, Vice Principal, Harris Academy South Norwood, on getting away from the traditional child response to any parent enquiry about school: ‘it was alright!’
Holly Henderson, English teacher, Bristnall Hall Academy, shows the benefit of abandoning the ‘gifted and talented’ label.
Dr Emma Kell, head of department in a north London school, and author of How to Survive in Teaching: Without imploding, exploding or walking away, offers some tips for teachers in the classroom.
Jeniffer Sing, Vice Principal, and Michael Chapman, Strategic Lead for Educational Research, Hope Academy, describe their intensive, wide-ranging programme and its effects on student reading ages.
Emily Keen, English teacher responsible for KS3 English and whole-school literacy, Richard Challoner School writes.
Michael Grant, winner of the Pearson Awards’ outstanding new teacher of the year, describes his feeling of inspiration at the awards ceremony.
Ahead of Women’s History Month, with International Women’s Day taking place on 8 March, Paul Highfield, leader of learning for global education, Fir Vale School Academy trust writes.
In our final extract from Cleverlands, author Lucy Crehan explores fresh ideas to improve teaching and learning in any classroom.
Author Lucy Crehan discusses the difference between school accountability in England and the US, as well as in Finland, Canada, Japan, Singapore and Shanghai.
Jenny Gill, Librarian, Holy Trinity CE Secondary School, gives details on school librarians’ contribution that may be unfamiliar to many teachers.