Chicken or Egg – The Big Listen Outcomes and SSAT’s Inspection Tracker
My previous blog queried whether the data about ‘need to improve’ comments from inspection reports since January might be pointing towards an ‘Oliver effect’.
My previous blog queried whether the data about ‘need to improve’ comments from inspection reports since January might be pointing towards an ‘Oliver effect’.
In May 2023 I was asked if I was interested in being an EFA lead for a new Embedding Formative Assessment programme (EFA), starting in September of the next school year. About to begin my eighteenth year as a teacher of art and design technology, it is fair to say it was time for a shake-up.
As mentioned in a previous blog on attendance, we have been tracking every ‘need to improve’ comment written by inspection teams during their visits to schools and colleges in 2023/24. At the time of writing, there were almost 4,000 such comments.
As we begin a new term, our hearts go out to the families affected by the tragic loss of young lives in Southport this summer. We can only imagine the profound pain this has caused each family. Our thoughts and support are with them and their wider communities, as they come together in this immense grief.
On Thursday 18 July 2024, SSAT will be publishing the findings from a survey of 236 serving and former headteachers who, between them have almost 2,000 years of headship experience. The survey questions drew from 26 reports into headteacher retention published since 2017.
Sir Keir Starmer’s opening words when addressing his Labour team. The electorate voted out 12 cabinet ministers, including a former prime minister and the education secretary.
This blog explores research articles to identify the existing problems with recruitment and retention of teachers and support staff, and it suggests ways to recruit new teachers and slow down the high numbers of teachers leaving the profession.
My colleague Dan Belcher’s first blog on leadership development in the UK education system discusses the past history and present predicaments faced by our sector. In this post, I will outline, based upon our upcoming ‘Labouring to Love Headship’ report, what a better future might offer in this area.
As a senior education lead at SSAT, it continues to be a great privilege to work with inspiring, and aspiring, school leaders. They share a commitment to improving the life chances of our young people, often working in very challenging contexts.
My grandson Nehemiah turns two in August. He is a super cute, charming, smiley, funny, fearless, energetic toddler who is into everything. He already loves his music and books and he seems to be under the impression that he is a world class gymnast!