
Early Leadership Development – my story

I started teaching at the turn of the millennium. Reflecting on my early years, I am massively grateful for the many opportunities I was given to grow in a supportive culture that trusted me to take on leadership responsibility, even while I still had so much to learn.

Opportunities and relationships

Our third Summer Series event focused on one question: What makes the difference for a child or young person who is disadvantaged, vulnerable or in crisis?

Giving voice to our students of colour

Caludon Castle has always been a diverse school, situated in the north of Coventry. It’s not an easy process for a school to look into itself and see if, and how, racism is a problem. The difficulty comes from the structural and societal racism that impacts all of us (particularly challenging for white people to recognise), but also from the uncomfortable ‘truths’ that might be brought forward. Particularly tough when the school perception previously was that we were doing things well!

A good time to reflect

SSAT’s Summer Series event in April focused on creating anti-racist school communities. We were honoured to be able to draw on the knowledge, experience and insight of British-Nigerian historian, broadcaster and film maker Professor David Olusoga, who provided a keynote input that was thought provoking, empowering and moving.

Key Stage Two SATs – Time for change?

Key Stage Two Statutory Testing has taken place this month for Year Six pupils across England. SSAT Senior Education Lead and Head of the Primary Network, Laura Burton, reflects upon the assessments from the perspective as educator and parent, considering the impact our current accountability system has on the whole school community.

The powerful difference coaching can make

Steve Bush, formerly Assistant Headteacher at Sackville School spoke to SSAT Director Angelina Idun about the powerful difference coaching can make and why schools and organisations cannot afford not to coach.

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