OxWell Student Survey for Non-Mainstream Schools

The 2023 OxWell Student Survey for non-mainstream schools (specialising in SEN) is now live and will run from June to December 2023. We can offer this to schools across existing OxWell sites and will try and include any other schools interested in participating from other locations. The survey has been funded by the NIHR ARC Oxford and Thames Valley and so it incurs no cost, and we can also cover the costs for any supply cover support school staff might need with the logistics of running the survey (up to £200 for 20 schools is available).

The survey gathers information on the same topic areas as the mainstream OxWell Student Survey, it is for students in years 5 to 13, and is substantially shorter and more accessible. Students should be able to complete it in one class lesson and they do not have to finish the survey for it to be meaningful for our results (as we are aware of the broad range of abilities the schools assist with). Students can be supported by a member of staff to complete the survey and each question is also accompanied by a film of the question being read aloud. There is an instructional video for students to watch in preparation for participating. The survey has 40 questions covering school experience, lifestyle, bullying and how they might like to receive support.

We hope to start to gather data to provide a picture of current wellbeing and behaviour. This will inform non-mainstream education settings specialising in SEN about the needs and experiences of their pupils and ensure the resources are targeted at areas of most need. We will use this experience to improve on this survey and welcome all feedback to ensure that the voices of these students are contributing to our understanding of the needs of current students across all settings.

For more information, please visit our website: https://oxwell.org/oxwell-student-survey-for-non-mainstream-schools/

To sign up, please email oxwell@psych.ox.ac.uk with the subject line ‘Non-Mainstream Schools Survey‘

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