Getting (back) to grips with data

“Data-driven school improvement” was all the rage in the 2010s. School leaders, advisers and inspectors all used RAISEonline, Fischer Family Trust and the Ofsted data dashboard as the touchstone for their work. Fortunately, we gradually became savvier and more looked more at “data-informed school improvement”. And then came the pandemic.

Since then, most school leaders have had very little contact with (or indeed interest in) what a comparison of their own and national data might be able to tell them about their schools. Some leaders will have taken up post with little or no prior experience of understanding data; others who were confident in handling data three years ago will be feeling a bit rusty and in need of a refresher.

With an almost-full return to national data in 2022 for key stages 4 and 5 (the main absence this year being the level 3 value-added measure), SSAT has put together a series of webinars for senior and middle leaders in schools to help get them back up to speed with (or learn for the first time) how to understand and use the various data sources to support their school improvement.

The series consist of five webinars, each lasting up to 90 minutes. Each webinar will look at one aspect of data to avoid overload but together they will build up into a comprehensive resource that covers both the essential background knowledge and how to use the various charts and tables.

Download as PDF

Forthcoming webinars:

  • Webinar 1: What do we need to know and understand?
    Wednesday 12 October 2022
  • Webinar 2: Analyse School progress (ASP)
    Wednesday 19 October 2022
  • Webinar 3: Ofsted’s inspection data summary report (IDSR)
    Wednesday 2 November 2022
  • Webinar 4: Using FFT Aspire to look backwards and forwards
    Wednesday 9 November 2022
  • Webinar 5: KS5 data
    Wednesday 16 November 2022

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