Claim Your College proposal

Claim your College logoThe Claim Your College coalition today submitted a proposal in response to the Department for Education’s consultation ‘A world-class teaching profession’, which was an invitation to join a debate about the future shape of a chartered College of Teaching.

This proposal is the product of extensive consultation with individual teachers and headteachers and a range of professional associations that represent their interests.

It envisages a College that is member-driven, independent and voluntary. It would benefit teachers by championing the status of the teaching profession, sharing knowledge and supporting professional development, and would seek to benefit young learners by ensuring high standards of teaching.

‘Across our schools we see thousands of great teachers who are committed both to their students, and importantly also to investing in their own professional learning. The new College of Teaching will recognise and extend this – bringing a professional balance of positive challenge with collegiate support. This will be a landmark development for our education system and one which teachers rightly deserve.’

Sue Williamson, Chief Executive, SSAT

Support for this proposal is gathering pace from teachers and key organisations. We invite you to read the proposal and encourage you to join the growing list of supporters online by adding your name.

We can keep you up to date through the newsletter and website with important news on how the campaign is progressing. Most importantly, it is vital that we hear your views – please do engage and shape the direction of the college to ensure it is teacher driven.

This is the moment that the profession can make this happen. We must not get too distracted by the structures or process of set up; that is just one part. We need to think of the future, the potential, how this can benefit the teaching profession, our students and schools. We need to act and stand collectively and engage in the healthy debate, actions and opportunities that can make it a reality.

Read the press release accompanying the launch of the Claim Your College proposal here.

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